[color=gold][b]Hey there all It is so good to be back at the role players guild, it has been some time since I was last here, and I remember so many good roleplays. Well let me give you all a little info about myself ^^ I am 22, I live in Michigan, and I have been an Avid roleplayer / Writer for almost all my life. I am majorly into horror, fantasy, high fantasy, supernatural roleplays but I love all role play genres really. I was on the guild back before it went down, and after it did I sort of just dropped off the face of the planet with some real life problems. I would tell you my previous guild name but god knows I don't remember it haha. Heck I wouldn't remember my own birthday if it wasn't for the presents and cake. Anywho with that said I am sure there are tons of new guys and gals on here now and I can't wait to meet ya and possibly share some tea in a roleplay or two. See you around the forums! Signed with affection Neo Anderson A.K.A The Chosen One[/b][/color]