[b]Name:[/b] Fina [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Appearance:[/b] Fina is shorter than average in height, with a slim physique and just enough curves to look good when dressed up. She also keeps her dark blue Darcsen hair waist-length usually braided in a single braid. Her bangs usually obscure her dark blue eyes whenever she's looking down (which is frankly, a lot of the time). She usually keeps a handmade shawl with Darcsen patters over her uniform. Whenever she's off duty she prefers one-piece blue dresses with a long skirt, her Darcsen shawl and a sash that matches the patterns of the shawl. [b]Rank:[/b] Private [b]Class:[/b] Scout (although she can fill the Shocktrooper role in a pinch). [b]Weapons and Equipment:[/b] Gallian S-1 Ragnaid Viper-E-9 One B-Type M1 Grenade A set of two Trench Spikes, for climbing and stabbing imps. [b]Personality:[/b] Fina can be likened to a kicked puppy or a deer fawn, a person with a rather skittish disposition that even struggles to make eye contact with acquaintances and apologizes compulsively. Fina is so used to discrimination as a Darcsen that she doesn't even try to fight back when treated poorly, instead making apologies and trying to make herself scarce. Beyond her crippling shyness and low self esteem, Fina does have a gentle, generous personality, and she is much more intelligent and perceptive than she lets on. She also remembers the people who make bonds with her, and the gentleness received... and woe betide who tries to harm her friends or loved ones in her presence. For every inch as apologetic and as shy fina is, she has another of steel-clad temper. Fina's hand does not tremble when it comes to fighting for her squad, and she will not relent no matter how long it takes or how difficult is the adversary. She also likes to be out of focus from the general socializing, and more than often people will fail to notice her presence, or she herself will inadvertendly sneak up on others. She is also fond of climbing and outdoor activities in general. [b]Bio:[/b] Fina was born to a Darcsen peddler and a flower seller, and as such she enjoyed a lot of freedom during her childhood. She however, learned all too soon to not start trouble, and always adopt a submissive and patient attitude, judging from her parents interactions with other people. Fina was bullied in school, but she didn't even try once to fight it back. Instead, she just tried to avoid her tormentors the best she could, and seek refuge outdoors. She eventually became so good at hiding and being scarce her bullies grew bored of her, and started to pick on other targets. Fina did get good marks on school, although she preferred to spend time with her family and enjoying the peace of nature rather than any serious occupation. Her teachers did react somewhat as her stating she wanted to be a "housewife" or a "woods witch" as future career, though. As she grew up, Fina started to help both of her parents business as well as doing some babysitting for her two younger sisters. Unable to be a saleswoman due to crippling shyness, she nevertheless was rather helpful at handwork and child rearing. And then, the Empire came to her town. Caught before they could evacuate, Fina could only watch as her parents and siblings all were separated and sent into concentration camps. It didn't matter how much she begged and apologized, they wouldn't let her family go. Or let her go with her family, as some of the soldiers had some plans to keep her as the garrison's pet servant. Fina apologized one last time, before growing silent. She then made herself scarce and unnoticed, and grabbed one of the rifles of the Imperials. Before they could react, she had already killed two of them. The remaining Imperials were felled by a timely intervention of the militia. Out of a feeling of gratitude, Fina actually signed up for the militia as well, with the hope of eventually finding her missing family. [b]RP Sample:[/b] Fina kept her head lowered, her hands clasped together in front of her as some sort of apologetic bow. Her feet kept drawing circles on the ground and she was biting her lip, obviously struggling to try and get a grip of her temper and failing to do so. The street was crowded, far too crowded. She grasped tightly her basket, a fragant smell of narcissus hitting her nostrils. [b]"Um...flowers, does anybody...want?"[/b] She finally managed to piece together, in a rather nervous and low voice. She knew she wasn't cut for it, but she was still trying her hardest. She gritted her teeth. [b]"FLO...wers for sale."[/b] She tried raising her voice, but she gave up halfway. She kept staring at the ground, shuffling beneath the crowd. But eventually she bumped into someone. [b]"Damned Darcsen filth! Watch your steps!"[/b] An irate man's voice rang in her ears, as her basket was forcefully swatted from her arm, its contents scattering everywhere in the ground, only to be treaded upon. [b]"Aaah.."[/b] Fina let a small, weak wail upon seeing the flowers whom she had been entrusted being mercilessly ruined, as she struggled to get whatever was still intact back in the basket. [b]"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry..."[/b] She was quick to put an apology as she doubled her pace picking the flowers and putting them back into the basket. A child's cry rang into her ears. Surprised, she raised her head and managed to find the source of grief. A couple of kids were playing with a ball, which had gotten stuck on a tree. Fina quickly raised to her feet and rushed to their side. Without thinking twice, she left her basket in the ground and grasped the rough bark of the tree. Even with her skirt on, she was a deft climber, and it took her almost no effort to reach the ball. Jumping off the tree deftly, she presented the ball to the astonished boy. [b]"Um...your ball."[/b] Fina said before breaking eye contact rather quickly.[b] "I'm sorry..."[/b] She finally added, back into her meek persona, her cheeks suddenly reddened upon the realization of what she had done. Grabbing her basket, she ran away from the market, not waiting to find out the young kid's reaction.