Picking at her fish with a pair of tweezers, pulling a tendon as she watched the tail move with an expression of intense interest, Henrietta looked up for a moment, her magnifying goggles still in place over her eyes. [color=c99900]"Did someone say thaigs? I'd love to see some of those old ruins. They must be packed with all kinds of interesting gadgets and gizmos for me to study."[/color] For most of the sea journey the dwarven artificer had spent her time below deck, examining every piece of the Siren she could get access to, and already her mind was bubbling over with new inventions and gadgets to add to her already impressive collection. Some sort of machine which could sail the skies, as a ship sailed the seas perhaps? That would certainly help the Company travel faster between jobs, as well as being more comfortable than walking all over the place carting so many inventions around.