With a roaring battlecry Idaho charged straight towards the approaching robots, bullets from her full-auto burst of fire ripping into the chest of one before she barrelled into a second and brought her rifle round to blast its head and torso until her ammo counter read empty. Rolling forwards into cover of a low wall Kimmie quickly release the spent clip and slammed home a fresh one before reaching down to her waist and grabbing a grenade. Holding it for a couple of seconds, cooking it in her hand as she silently counted off the timer, she lobbed it over the wall into the next wave of robots. Looking up she suddenly spotted a robot looming over her, its arm raising to hammer down on her with brutal force just before something clattered on the floor behind it. [@Revans Exile] As the robot's head snapped around, searching for the cause of the sound, Virginia slammed into it, grabbing the robot tightly as she blasted its torso apart. Tapping her faceplate in salute to her colleague Kimmie smiled inside her helmet. [color=f49ac2]"Thanks for the save,"[/color] She called into her radio excitedly, [color=f49ac2]"Fancy double teaming the rest of these tin cans?"[/color] Without waiting for a response Idaho leapt over the wall, laughing loudly as she fired another full-auto burst into the incoming robots, catching them off guard as they turned to target Virginia.