Okay so, I know the internet has like blown up with DA love, and god knows I can't fault it, Dragon Age is the most I've felt for a game since like Final Fantasy VIII. So here's the thing. I haven't played Inquisition, and I've played the first act of DA:2. But DA:O is my my baby, and I'd love to play in that universe. As far as playing canons goes, I can offer you characters from DA:O, and unfortunately /only/ the information given about them there. I'd rather avoid spoilers, because I have every intention of playing Inquisition once I've got the money to get ahold of it. [quote]I'd be cool playing Alistair or Leliana, maybe Zevran. But I'd also be super pleased to play some unknown, elsewhere-at-the-time, OC Wardens. Maybe they lucked out and got to do their own thing. Maybe they're trying to go after Alistair and all them but keep getting delayed! Who knows, that's up to us. I miss just good old fashioned adventure-type things. Maybe there'll be romance, if our characters hit it off. I dunno. It doesn't really matter to me. Heck, if we want them trauma-bonded, that could even be a thing. Give me the Dragon Age universe and let's work something out, honestly. I'll play male or female, any of the available races (Human, elf, dwarf), and any class or whatever. We'll feel out what we like, what would compliment one another in terms of strengths, you know?[/quote] --- [quote]Alternatively, I'd be super cool with a World of Warcraft roleplay. No canon characters, please, just our own dorks, Horde or Alliance, doing what they do best. Whatever that ends up being. Male or female, again, either faction, I have a few characters of both. I've even got a weird half-troll/half-Sin'dorei if you wanna play with that dweeb, who knows. I'd be a little more interested in romance for this, but I think it could go a lot of ways. Cross-faction romance, cross race. I think playing with or against a Forsaken could be fun given the way the rest of the Horde feels about them in general. Basically, bring me your characters, we'll see how they play, and we can give them their own little adventures! :3 All the good stuff.[/quote] PM or thread, preferably the former, or email, or IM. PM me or post here and I'll PM you. I'd love to hear any ideas y'all have about any of this. xx