[h3][b][u]The Jagged Mountains[/u][/b][/h3] Eventually, all paths led to the northern mountain peaks. From southern deserts to eastern forests, all the champions had found themselves with a view that was white and grey as far as the eye could see. They were not the easiest to climb and transverse and yet somehow the small orbs of light each knew path that made it smoother to travel upon. Eventually, they all converged on one point where the orbs spun and danced among one another for just enough moments to give the strangers quick greetings - then suddenly shot off with an unbelievable speed northwards and downwards into a sparse pinewood forest. There, it seemed, was the goal that the orbs had been leading them all to. Below in the valley of snow and rock was a town surrounded by dotted pinewood trees, and while it may have been rugged or peaceful before this moment, it was instead replaced by a raging swirl of orange and red. The fire was reaching high into the cold mountain air as black smoke rose to meet the sky. It was hard to spot, but one could eventually make out that it wasn't just one single flame, but several single ones eating wooden cabins that gave it a collected picture of an inferno. Down the path, the lights had stopped and began to spin furiously, as if trying to focus the heroes attention - urging them as ever before, to follow but now with a haste that hadn't been seen in them until now. [color=33BB00][h3][u][i]Cerylia[/i][/u][/h3][/color] Cerylia has not made herself hard to spot, slowly moving from the wild brush as she saw the orbs gather together. Her eyes went over the others for a few moments, studying their movements and body language in all but complete silence. To her, they moved with experience and practice, nothing like the normal knights and bandits she saw day in and day out. Given her own gifts and legend, she could only imagine - or at least it wasn't a stretch - that these individuals had also been gifted by the God of Fate. What were they lead here for she wondered. However the question was answered soon enough as she snapped her attention to the orbs, whisking away in a hurry that was unbecoming of them. Though their behavior became obvious once her sharp eyes caught the shapes of roaring flames atop of cabins and wagons. She shifted slowly, taking her steps to the edge of the downwards dip to get a better look - content not to rush in to rescue, cautious of what may be waiting for them. After all, if she was right, there was roughly ten warriors. Not ordinary fighters though, but ones who made the word [i]'legend'[/i] come to life. What could possibly warrant such power in one single place? Her eyes adjusted and focused, tuning out any possible yells or pleas for her to move and hurry down the path to assist the townsfolk. Within the fire she did see bodies, though without movement it was hard to say if they still lived, but stranger still... she furrowed her eyebrows for a moment, unsure of what she was seeing, curious if her eyes were playing tricks. Eventually though, she pursed her lips at the realization - the shadows... they were... somehow moving! That alone spurred her to action as she started to half-run, half-slide down the mountain side without ever speaking a word to any of the others. She could only trust their training at a time like this.