[hider=Alixanna Ashgrave] [hider=Face] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/26/9b/33/269b3328f179af0ecaae025a75c15fea.jpg[/img][/center][/hider] [hider=Armor] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/aa/58/19/aa58195b52211519614fe99564830940.jpg[/img][/center][/hider] [color=7bcdc8][b]Name:[/b][/color] Alixanna Ashgrave [color=7bcdc8][b]Age:[/b][/color] 18 [color=7bcdc8][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Female [color=7bcdc8][b]Height:[/b][/color] 5’4” [color=7bcdc8][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Alixanna comes across as crude to most people, given her tendency to find humor in the most inappropriate of situations. A perfect example of this is the day a man came into the clinic with his private bits stuck inside a watermelon. Alixanna had been cackling so madly that her father had to send her from the room and finish cutting the patient free himself, lest she accidentally amputate the offending appendage. Alixanna is very smart, and thanks to years of studying under her father’s tutelage knows the human body like the back of her hand. She can name all the bones in less than two minutes, knows which stich is best to use for a stab wound, and what herbs keep infection at bay. Even so, when she’s treating patients and begins rushing herself, Alixanna becomes very fidgety, which is understandably disconcerting when you’re the patient she’s trying to patch up. Appalling bedside manor aside, most of the townsfolk are fond of the doctor' daughter. She has a friendly disposition and is quick to encourage people when they seem like they need it. Her kindness shouldn’t be mistaken for weakness though, as Alixanna does not tolerate bullying and will call out anyone she thinks is being an asshat. Also, after years of helping her father with his work, Alixanna has lost all of her squeamishness when it comes to human bodies. Vomit? No problem. Hernias? Bring ‘em on. Ruptured boils? Phhht, that’s kid’s stuff. She is, however, deathly afraid of spiders and can't be in the same room as one without [i][b]completely[/b][/i] losing her shit. To the great dismay of her mother, Alixanna is quite dense when it comes to matters of the heart and doesn’t always notice when she’s being flirted with. The local boys have made a game of seeing how outlandish they can make their advances before she notices she’s being hit on. So far, she’s remained blissfully oblivious. [color=7bcdc8][b]Bio:[/b][/color] Since the very moment that Alixanna came into this world, her mother, Elora Ashgrave, has been bound and determined to marry her little girl off to [i][b]at least [/b][/i]a minor lord. She started setting up play dates with noble born toddlers as soon as Alixanna was able to crawl, much to the chagrin of her husband, Dr. Atlas Ashgrave. While her mother was taking little Alixanna to meet tiny suitors, Atlas was reading his young daughter medical journals instead of bedtime stories, dreaming of the day she would become a physician and take over the family business. When she turned ten, her father moved them south to Vale in hopes of retiring, but quickly changed his mind when he saw there were no other doctors in the village. Mrs. Ashgrave was distraught at first, seeing as how she could no longer set up meetings with marriage prospects, but the village's charm eventually grew on her. Alixanna discovered her affinity towards magic around this time as well. Most of what she knows is self taught, as there weren't any healers in Vale to show her the ropes. By the time Alixanna turned fourteen, she was working full-time in the clinic with her father. She continued on in this way until one day she woke up to find a peculiar flower growing through the floorboards by her bedroom door. Weapon: She carries two daggers. She has never been trained to use them, but does know where to cut someone to cause the most amount of damage. She does not need a staff to cast her magic [color=7bcdc8][b]Skills: [/b][/color] [u]Healing Magic -[/u] Alixanna can use her own energy to mend wounds, cure disease, extract poisons, etc. She doesn't use this skill very much, as it is extremely taxing and she is versed enough in medicine to heal most wounds the traditional way. [u]Medic -[/u] Alixanna is fantastic at stitching people back together and diagnosing/treating illnesses. [u]Cool under Pressure -[/u] It takes more than a little blood and guts to damage her calm! [u]Sewing -[/u] Stitching wounds back together has also made her an excellent seamstress. [u]Gardening -[/u] Alixanna has a green thumb. She grows many of the medicinal herbs used in her father's practice in their own backyard.[/hider]