In the Library, Oswald had found a series of very helpful journals. They more or less chronicled every single major event that happened concerning the Heartless and those Nobody things. They were penned by one Jiminy Cricket, and while Oswald had no idea who that was, he silently thanked them in his mind for writing these journals, otherwise trying to read up on what's been happening would have taken a lot longer. He was about halfway into one of the Journals when he heard voices enter the Library. One was the King, and the other was a high-pitched voice that could only belong to one of the Chipmunks, Dale in this case. Oswald peaked from behind a book shelf to watch them approach a computer. The rabbit silently approached but said nothing, instead he remained hidden and listened to what was being said. After the conversation, Oswald quickly made his way back to the journals, bookmarked where he left off and closed the book. Once the King was gone, Oswald followed suit and exited the library into the Colonade. Out there, he spotted two familiar faces and one he didn't know. "Donald! Goofy!" he exclaimed with a wave before running up to them. According to those journals he looked at, the two of them have been very busy, playing really important roles along side that Sora person, "I can't believe it. You two went and became big time heroes while I wasn't looking. I guess I've got some catching up to do, huh?"