Gerald had only recently joined up with this gang of misfits to gain a better knowledge of the world and for a sense of protection as while the spirits told him these people weren't normal he had the distinct feeling any other mercenary group would end up just getting him killed. He sat cross legged in front of a separate fire he had made himself. He was however close enough to them that he could hear and talk to them if need be. He staff was placed in front of him and his dark cloaked robes kept the heat from escaping it into the cold air around him. Breathing in and out he listened to the group talk and he found out there were ideas being passed around. Of course all of these had their own flaws and ups but he couldn't help but feel there was a better line of work to be made out there. He missed the days of the circle where he could simply crawl into bed at night after a meal and go to sleep. Of course he never fell asleep easy...ever...the noises in his head got worse when he was asleep. Bloody hell magic was a blessing yet a deep and grating curse. Especially for a person like himself who lived through this troubled age as a person who had seen some dark magic. Regardless of his own personal woes he was thinking...thinking about where to go and why. It'd have to be worth it trips like these aren't just some random occurrence. After a moment's deliberation his calm and smooth voice was heard speaking up, [color=f26522] "Antiva and Orlais while profitable would earn us many enemies even as simple mercenaries go. The thaigs are not worth exploring. Too many dangers lurk in those places. Too many dangers left undiscovered for good reason. For personal reasons I fear going to the Imperium would put many of us in a complicated position. Neverra and the Free Marches lay with the fewest risks. We do as we must but I have said my part."[/color] Gerald said simply indifferent as the water that flows through streams. [color=f26522]"Remember this is a time of massive change. We can't simply go and expect to run into money without massive risks. If I had to suggest an alternate I may say we head to Amaranthine. The head of the former warden commander of fereldan. That land burns but it does so due to old wounds. We may not find fortunes there but we will find something."[/color]