Rareth shrugged her shoulders. "I haven't heard that much is wrong with them. At least, no worse than anywhere else. They are a lot more divided than Rothia, but then again, so are most other places.' Rareth commented. Ghirn stepped closer to the door as he addressed the team. "I can say with reasonable certainty that the local authorities will not give you issues. As for the local population, it is up to your own judgment on how to mitigate any potential dangers. Just remember who it is you are representing. Your actions will reflect upon the image of the Assembly." He warned. "Now, if all of you who are not remaining with this team could follow me, I need to give you your next assignments. For now, everyone else can relax, but be ready to leave soon." After Ghirn stepped out of the room, all of those leaving the team followed suit. Rareth wandered over to the couch in the center of the room and sat down, leaning back as she let out a sigh. "Well, it seems like at least most of us are sticking together. I never really talked to the others anyway."