Steven rubbed his beard and said "it would make sense...her energy is tied to the shadow plain, much like our friend Nightcrawler is linked to the world he uses to teleport. But its not so much a device as an artifact" He reached into his robes and pulled out a torn page. "I was looking into what was happening and how I happen to find Wolf before...I believe our portal makers are using this" He slid the paper to her across the table, on it some kind of pendent drawn on it. "Its call the Key of Worlds. It was stole years ago from the Iris's clan. They never found it and all this thing needs is a huge power source to wield it. Most of the time a mage like me would use magic energies, but I believe the ones doing this is using man made energy to power it. It must be linking with Wolf's shadow energies to anchor its gateways"