[@He Who Walks Behind] First off, the Unamerican Activities Force are absolute masters of countering deception. Their ancestors routed communists, and proceeded to pass down every espionage tactic known to man. The second they see this woman carrying around a machete gladius they will put two and two together and without any warning she will receive a .50 MG round between the eyes. Even if carrying a gladius seems like a trivial reason to kill someone, they don't ask questions or take chances, and the gladius is the signature weapon of the Legion. Second, the Legion, and Caesar himself, specifically forbid women from fighting. Men in the Legion are wholly misogynistic, and degrade every woman under their rule as sub-human. Even if she had demonstrated an ability to execute all of those weaklings, she would be nailed to a cross for interfering and that would be that. No man loyal to Caesar or the Legion would even consider using a woman for any kind of combat or spying role, period. And speaking of ability, an untrained woman fighting back Brotherhood of Steel members and violent tribals? That would be breaking the rules of the RP (can't be born good at something, or be good at something without training). Brotherhood members in power armor alone would absolutely slaughter those tribals [i]and[/i] the Legion, especially if the men in her tribe were weak. Even [i]with[/i] training, she would be dead right along with them. Bottom line, we aren't going to be making any special snowflake exceptions to the lore of the Legion just to make this happen, and even if we did, she would be dead as soon as the UAF got a look at her.