Once again, Torako was rushing off somewhere. Beatrix had to wonder why she was always in such a rush. Or, she would, but she was too busy totally-not-blushing from the headpat, her gaze fixated rather intently in the table. [i]H-hmph! I'm not a child, you silly imbecile![/i] Beatrix tried to say, but all she did was mumble inaudibly, and only looked up when Torako had left the restaurant. Her bag still sitting on her lap, Beatrix realised she had failed to hand over the girl's payment. That was... annoying. Now she was going to have to waste precious time looking for that girl again! ...Oh well, as long as she wasn't too hard to find, Beatrix was willing to tolerate it. A waiter had apparently bagged her leftovers, and although Beatrix couldn't see herself finishing the thing any time soon, she took it anyway, and soon parted with Kyouma in an amicable manner ("You! Make sure to heed my call, should I require your service in the future!"). Beatrix slowly walked in the direction of her dorm.