[quote=@vancexentan] [color=f26522]"If I had to suggest an alternate I may say we head to Amaranthine."[/color] [/quote] Martin winched at the thought of crossing the Waking Sea again so soon. They'd only this very night disembarked on the Nevarran coast and to turn back and head for Ferelden again seemed like a pointless waste of their time. Plus Martin could feel his guts squirm from the mere thought of having to ride those waves again and would much prefer to stay on dry land for as long as he could. [color=00aeef]"While I understand you position, my friend,"[/color] The old soldier said with a kind, fatherly tone, [color=00aeef]"I think I speak for both Fredrick and myself when I say I'm not going fucking back on that fucking boat!"[/color] To emphasise his point Martin stabbed his pipe out towards where the Siren lay just off the shore, it's cabin lights glowing against the backdrop of the setting sun. [color=00aeef]"It would be better if we stay this side of the waters, at least for now."[/color] Sitting back Martin clasped his pipe between his teeth tightly, not wanting to admit the real reason he didn't wish to return of Ferelden. As his thoughts began to wander he spotted a familiar shadow flitting through the undergrowth just outside of the fire's pool of light. Hoisting himself up onto his feet the soldier stamped his boots a few times to get the blood pumping in his legs again before declaring to the gathered Company, [color=00aeef]"I need a piss, if anyone needs me they can wait until I'm done,"[/color] before striding off between the trees and into the shadows.