[b]Saber[/b] [i]Saldrisk Apartments, Floor 10, Uptown[/i] [hr] It was time. The chance of a lifetime was upon her. Or the chance of an afterlife? Either way, this wasn't something Saber was going to pass up. She had waited for a long time to right the wrongs of her past, and this would be her chance to do so. The only thing she could wish for was a Master who was a noble as she was in life. As long as she received a Master that worked well with her, the Grail War was sure to be an easy one. The moment was now, it was time. A raging light and chaotic wind came from the summoning circle, and would last for another few seconds. When the light and wind finally subsided, what remained was a beautiful woman, covered in armor, holding her sword towards the only other person in the area, The man she assumed to be her Master. She took a good look at her Master, trying to see how strong he was. She didn't appear any weaker, so he obviously wasn't terrible, but he also lacked the air of a top magus. He seemed decent enough to not die right away, and that was good enough for her. " I shall be your sword. " That was a good enough sign that she was a Saber, right? [hr] [b]Fatima Ilham[/b] [i]Abandoned Warehouse, Uptown [/i] [hr] " Just a little more. . . No no no, I have to make it more of a curve. . . Ah! I screwed it up! " This was Fatima Ilham, a respected member of Atlas, head of the Ilham family, and Master of Math, screwing up at drawing a simple summoning circle. Turns out, Math doesn't have much to do with painting circles with the blood of dead foxes. Who would have thought? " I bet the other Masters have already summoned their Servants by now . . . Come on! Why is drawing a circle so complicated! . . . Wait, I think I got it. . . Yes! I did it! " 1 - Fatima 0 - Shapes Fatima stood up from where she was drawing the circle, and took a few steps back. This was her chance to avoid The End, and save humanity from the tragic fate that was waiting for them. It would bring pride to Atlas, her family, and her own name would be a household name to all magi worth a damn. There was no room for failure, and that included summoning a Servant. If her Servant wasn't anything but amazing, humanity was doomed to a tragic ending. The Head of the Ilham family turned around and put her hand out forward. The fate of humanity rested on her and whoever it was that she was going to summon. [i]"Silver and iron to the origin. Gem and the archduke of contracts to the cornerstone. The alighted wind becomes a wall. The gates in the four directions close, coming from the crown, the three-forked road that leads to the kingdom circulate. Shut (fill). Shut (fill). Shut (fill). Shut (fill). Shut (fill). Repeat every five times. Simply, shatter once filled. ――――I announce. Your self is under me, my fate is in your sword. In accordance with the resort of the Holy Grail, if you abide by this feeling, this reason, then answer. Here is my oath. I am the one who becomes all the good of the world of the dead, I am the one who lays out all the evil of the world of the dead. You, seven heavens clad in three words of power, arrive from the ring of deterrence, O keeper of the balance ―――![/i]