[@Nytefall] [color=lightgray][i]"Oh come on, you're even worse then the last time! Little help guys?!"[/i][/color] Two quick shots was all Georgia needed to smash apart the robot's shoulders, leaving the arms gripping Washington's neck as he dropped back to the floor. Another two shots took off one of the robot's legs and its head, leaving the metal torso hopping around on one foot for a moment before a final shot punched straight through its chest, knocking it to the ground. [color=f26522]"So, who's next?"[/color] He muttered, panning his sniper rifle across the battlefield looking for other troublespots. For a moment he let his scope hover over Montana's opponent before quickly moving on. The big guy would never forgive him if Georgia stole his fun away from him. Scanning over to the girls he saw the two of them catching a group of robots in a crossfire, a couple of the automatons already falling to their combined fire. Which left only Missouri.