[color=#A9F5F2][b]Chase Dawnshard[/b][/color] As Chase was urged to climb the harsh mountain, it was done with relative ease as the orb guided him to the safest and fastest method to get on the mountain. Approaching the top, he could tell there were eight other individuals, not including himself just reaching the top of the mountain, all with their own little flying light orb and all staring at each other in a confusing bout. [i][color=#A9F5F2]Don't tell me, are these living, breathing legends?[/color][/i] he ecstatically thought to himself but keeping his face straight as he is meeting legends. His thoughts were given merit as they appeared to all have no wasted movement, and all their eyes tell of different and varied stories. Some sad, some glorious and others, clouded in mystery. They all gave off an aura as if they had mastered their craft, Chase could somehow tell that most, if not all were blessed by Jergal. He also caught this rather cautious individual staring at everyone, with analyzing eyes [i][color=#A9F5F2]Is that [i]the[/i] Ranger Lord? As cautious as they say[/color][/i] [color=#A9F5F2]"While I am happy that I get to meet living legends themselves, I doubt Jergal himself would herd us together just for that."[/color] he said outloud the individuals with a smile [color=#A9F5F2]"I've read all about your lege-"[/color] cutting himself off. His vision had caught a fiery and stormy bath of orange and red, all consuming this small village. He noticed something, their shadows, they didn't match the 'bodies' they just moved out and about. Subliminally pondering at how on earth that would happen. His thoughts were broke off when one of the people broke suddenly leap down, The Ranger Lord had already began making her scuttle towards the burning onslaught. [color=#A9F5F2]"Damnit."[/color] he uttered to himself, as he jumped down from the side and began roughly sliding down the mountain towards the sea of orange and red. As he slid down, he mentally steeled himself at what's to come. [i][color=#A9F5F2]What is going on.[/color][/i]