[hider=His hat is better than yours.] [img]http://i563.photobucket.com/albums/ss74/Riko_Miyoko/Hobbe.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Name:[/b] King Bestaff [b]Race:[/b] Hobbe [b]Class:[/b] Wizard-King (Formerly High Priest of Teddyism) [b]Alignment:[/b] Chaotic Neutral. [b]Biography:[/b] It is said that Hobbes reproduce parasitically, by kidnapping children, or luring them to their caves with promises of never having to grow up, and trapping them in sacks filled with magic sand, whereupon they are transformed into more Hobbes. No-one knows for sure since no-one's ever seen it happen, and the Hobbes themselves are either too stupid or too insane to give any answers. Though what is for certain is that they never grow up, both physically and mentally. As a consequence of refusing to drink alcohol, worshipping Teddy Bears, not knowing anything about the birds and the bees (the fact that there don't appear to be any girl Hobbes, just boy Hobbes in drag, certainly doesn't help)... oh, and the whole attacking people/eating flesh/having indecipherable accents/generally being unpleasant thing, Hobbe-kind is generally not welcomed into civilisation. For a long time, the Hobbes were perfectly fine with this, in all their bloodthirsty naivete, and were content to stay in their dark, dank caves. That is, until one Hobbe with an affinity for magic came onto the scene. This particular Hobbe formerly served under the self-proclaimed Hobbe King, Jimbo Junior, as the local High Priest of Teddyism. But while no less mad than most of his brethren, he was a damn sight cleverer than most, and he wanted nothing more than some fancy clothes, the power to read and write, and the privilege to hang about the shops and inns with all the smarty-pants humans. With encouragement from his confidant, [url=http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/fable/images/d/d0/Jack_Doll.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20090726202227]a plush doll he calls 'Jack-O'[/url], he tried to lobby King Jimbo Junior to start up vaguely-defined diplomatic talks with the nearest settlement. Unfortunately, this went nowhere as Jimbo literally had no idea what 'Diplomacy' meant. Enraged, the clever Hobbe used his magic power to boot Jimbo from the cave and claimed the throne for himself, and along with it, Jimbo's crystal staff. He liked the staff so much that he crowned himself 'King Bestaff' (as in 'Best Staff'). As King, the first thing he did was outlaw Teddyism, deciding it was 'a dumb, kiddy faith for big babies', and ordered all Teddy Bears to be burnt to ashes. Then he began sending letters to the local town requesting the trade of cheap labour in exchange for the right to part-ay in the streets at night, but so far none of his letters have been intelligible enough to be understood by these people. Thinking that they're trying to spite him, Bestaff has taken Jack-O with him to a Tavern called the Broken Drum, which he's heard is a very grown-up place, eager to prove he can fit in amongst the humans. [b]Favourite Drink:[/b] Lemonade.