[quote=@Lunar Templar] yeah ... that's kinda why I'm hesitant to use a 'fallen' color scheme with it. I do like the sound of red/white though, maybe a little gold tossed in for flair ... hmm think I'll do that actually, after i change the feet, cause blech to toe spikes. the main idea for this Zero is ... 'hey ... that could look cool.' Unlike this other ... thing ... I'm working on that's centered around 2 Beam sabers and that's pretty much it. no shield, no range past head vulcans, just two Beam Sabers (that could give Eypon's a run for it's money) [/quote] a dueling suit huh? sounds interesting I had something planned similar but more with ability to use more than two beam sabers it is armed with 4 beam sabers, 2 beam daggers. Its more speed based than anything so its similar in design to the exia and spallow.