[b]Dante Calogero[/b] [i]Saldrisk Apartments, Floor 10, Uptown[/i] [hr] Dante stood still as his eyes adjusted to the darkness once more. Inside the circle stood a woman with a sword at her hip. She stated that she was Dante's sword, an obvious way to state that she was Saber. Dante unrolled his sleeves and buttoned his simple, white shirt up before he said anything. "You are the Saber class Servant eh? Well, not really a question as you've already stated your class. Before we start anything I will tell you my name. I am Dante Benito Calogero. Pleasure to meet you Saber." Dante said as he bowed to the Servant. His family would have called him a disgrace for bowing to the Servant he summoned but it was only fitting a way to welcome a Servant to Earth once more. Dante opened the door to the hallway before he turned back to Saber. He motioned for her to follow him as he walked out of the room. He removed the golden chains from the elevator grate and threw them across the floor. "We need to get going now. Gotta meet with the Supervivors at the Church for our Rules and Regs ya know. We can talk afterwards about your powers in such. I'm not rushing to eliminate everybody else anyway." Dante said as he and Saber stepped into the elevator before going now down to the first floor. Dante left the building and looked up at the Church on the hill not far away. It wasn't even half as grand as the Churches back in Rome but Dante actually prefered the simplistic building, less of a focus on filigrie and more on function. Saber stood next to Dante as he stood outside. "Keep your distance but don't be too far away. The others have probably summoned their Servants already and we don't want to be vunerable and eliminated before the War actually begins." Dante said. He knew he wasn't the strongest magically nor physically but he could certainly put a damper on any person's plan to eliminate him so long as he wasn't alone. He looked at the Church once more before hoping on a motorcycle he had rented and riding for the Church to meet the Supervisors. [hr] [b]Berserker[/b] [i]Abandoned Warehouse, Uptown[/i] [hr] The time for Battle had come. He had been summoned once more to the world of Humans as a Servant. His body was pulled from the Throne to the world known as Earth once again, he could no longer remember its name as he knew it back when he was on it. His life had come to an end on it long ago and so he was passed to the Throne where he waited and waited and waited till he was called on. Berserker's summoning was far from pretty. His soul was pulled across the Realms to his master. The summoning circle was briefly empty until it started to fill with a black smoke, sort of like thunder clouds. His arrival was quick as, when he arrived, an eruption of explosive thunder shook the circle he was in. The Clouds and Thunder coalesced around his being before fading away from his sheer prescence. What remained was a giant of a man. Nay, a giant of a God. His eyes adjusted to the realm known as Earth as he looked about what was an empty room. Berserker felt that his Master was near. His eyes shifted down as he looked about a young girl standing before him. The giant said nothing but grunted at the girl as he lifted his massive weapon, Mjölnir, from the ground and settled it on his shoulder. Berserker couldn't quite remember what his wish was for the Grail for he had forgotten it long ago. His goal now was the protection of the Master who had summoned him.