[center][h1][color=ed1c24]Closed![/color][/h1] [img]http://orig10.deviantart.net/2030/f/2015/155/4/2/roleplay_banner_by_binkie14-d8w26qe.png[/img] Use this banner in your signature to spread attention to this role play! :D[/center] [h3][i]Welcome. To the innovation of a new world. To a new beginning. To your new life. Now, you may be wondering where you are, or[/i]"why me!"[i]or what your past is like. These are all normal symptoms of this new life. All you should know are your names, ages, and that's pretty much it. If you find that you have odd memories such as your childhood, anyone you remember, or anything you remember in your past, please press the red button to call an assistant. In the meantime, stay calm, get to know each other, and relax. You'll need the energy, so don't waste it on screaming out for help or breaking down. See ya in a while! By the way, you may call me Echo.[/i][/h3] [center][h1]Welcome, to The Lab[/h1] Please read the following rules, then fill out your sheet. We would like to see how much you know![/center] [list] [*] Please no god mode or anything like that. [*] Keep any romance PG-13 [*] No auto attacking [*] What I (Tabitha) say, goes [*] Your character sheet must be accepted before posting in the IC section and before posting it in the Characters section [*] No fighting OOC please. It makes it both unpleasant for me, you, and the other role players. [*] Put your favourite colour at the end of your bio [*] Please at least have some sense of grammar. [*] You may have up to two characters. [*] We have baseball strikes here. Three strikes and you're out. [*] I reserve the right to kick anyone from the roleplay if I feel that person is "just a troublemaker". [*] Have fun! [/list] [center][u]Please now fill out this sheet[/u][/center] Appearance Name Nickname Age (8-18) Gender Personality Wanted Powers [you don't have these powers yet, but you will soon ;)] [center]Thank you for your time. Welcome to The Lab![/center] [hider=The Room You Wake Up In With Others][img]https://www.colourbox.com/preview/3391169-3d-rendering-the-empty-office-room.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=People Kicked from Role Play] [color=ed1c24][@Error][/color] [/hider]