[quote=@Silver Fox] Poor Mercy may not be willing to find out though xD [/quote] No she probably wouldn't xD Which in fairness makes it all the more intriguing~! [quote=@MistressCyanide] I would think it would stay in the Casual section, not to sound like a bitch but Free is all about speed posting, low detail and having an RP die within the first week or two. I am not the best writer but I would not be able to cope with writers from the free section, I tried it before and it was nothing more but multiple headaches. I think this RP should stay in the casual section, even if it is between low-high Casual. Also I know I have been missing for a while but that seems to happen to me time to time. In fact one time I RPed with a free section roleplayer and all I got out of them was a maximum of three words and a minimum of one, it only ended because they got a ban though I was close to telling them I was going to stop. [/quote] [quote=@MistressCyanide] The Warriors, I like that ref. Also should I bother posting or should I wait until the reset happens. [/quote] Glad you liked it :D I was hoping someone would pick up on that ^^ I'd say not to worry about posting for now, wait for the reset :) Though feel free to tag in with the ideas we've been talking over in here. [quote=@teapotshark] [@FaithsRose] I'm happy to post it, but I'd vote that it goes straight into the Casual OOC section. An interest check is just the middle-man, if it gets slipped into the OOC straight off the bat, people interested can start posting character sheets asap. [/quote] Very true, I'll second the vote for straight to casual OOC. Though if that is the case I have a few suggestions if you're willing to read them :S Not ground-breaking ones but I'd recommend adding in a bit to inform people that veterans will need to look over characters before they can post (label who so no-one gets confused perhaps?) And this may seem silly but stating that this is LGBT friendly may be a good idea as well, just a small message somewhere :S Just past experience, it may draw people in or repel them but better they know right? That was it really ^^'