[hider=Appearance] [img] http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/313/c/c/soldier_by_09shootingstar90-d6tp2v3.png [/img] [/hider] Name in Real Life: Gunter Reinmarc In Name Game: Slygunner Age: 32 Gender: Male Short Bio (In character): “Not much to talk about really. Rebellious bastard tossed out by his old man once he’d had enough. Ran odd manual labor jobs till I just get fed up with it. Had to be more to this world than just another building to tear down or farm to tend for the summer. So, I signed up for the army. Steady gig, good pay- had to get my attitude reigned in, but it was worth. Finally felt like I meant something to this world, and to my family. Ten years I served, making my way up to Staff Sergeant before finally ending my service. It wasn’t an easy decision, but with my father on his way out and my mother in a panic, I figured I’d tend to the family before moving on. My father passed away that following year, my mother a year after… I won’t lie, it shook me up pretty bad when I got the news. But, life goes on, and here I am. Can’t say I did much more with my life after all that- took a job at a local army depot and helped them repair whatever made it’s way to base. Funny thing about being in the military, there is always someone who’s going to be pedaling something odd or hard to get. You want booze, they’ll get ya booze. You want an ‘adventurous woman’ they have that too. How else do you think I got my hands on this thing, eh? Now I’m not much of a gamer, but when something get this much attention, You’ve got to be willing to give it a shot. Besides, I had been trying to find something to kill time, and this seemed to be pretty interesting with it’s whole VR helmet-nerv… Thing. So, how bout we give this a shot, hmm? Link… Start.” Weapons and Armor: Beginner’s Spear Lacquered Leather Chest piece (forest green) Long sleeved under shirt (black) Leather bracers and greaves (forest green) Black and Silver cross necklace Stats: Level: 3 Health:600 Strength: 9 Agility: 7 Weapons Skills: Two handed spear One handed sword Combat Skills: Howl, Parry, Leather Equipment Passive Skills: Detection, Sprint Non-combat Skills: Metal Equipment Repairing