Fredrick watched Henrietta play with her fish. Maker bless her, there was something wrong with that girl. Fredrick would say she had a screw loose, but that'd be too much of a pun. [b]"No Thaigs. No, and hell no. Last time I was underground I had to learn how to dress myself with only one hand. No, and fuck no. And furthermore, my final and most convincingly thought out argument, sweet shitty nipple tit FUCK NO."[/b] He then listened to Gerald and Martin, and nodded emphatically at Martin's words. [b]"Gerald, you suggest a boatride again and I will shove that entire ship into a crevice of your body so rarely witnessed that not even thr ashes of Andrastre will be able to save you. PLUS, I kind of have a few things I have to do before I go back to Fereldan. Besides, Amarinthine kind of sucks."[/b] He paused. [b]"Tevinter...might be somewhere to consider later. I ah...have something I might be able to check out there. In the mean time, though, Free Marches is probably best. Mostly because it's a land, route, and I don't know if you knew this, but boats FUCKING SUCK."[/b]