[color=f26522]"If you had ears fools I recommended two other places before Armaranthine. I don't enjoy boats either so stop shouting like a fool. Where we go is irrelevant as long as the trip is worth it."[/color] Gerald said plainly as he sipped some soup out of a bowl he had placed on the fire noting that it was not as hot as it should be still but it was getting there. He looked at the elf who walked over to him and he suppressed a scowl. Elves and all of their philosophies about how great their old gods were and or how strong they used to be angered him. However he barely knew this elf so he figured he may as well give the pointy eared warrior the benefit of the doubt. [color=f26522]"I heard stories from my brief time in The White City of Chains that Antivians are no less deadly as Orlesians if not more so. Don't underestimate the fancy fool wearing a pretty dress just because he is acting like one. For all you know he's poisoned your food with twelve drops of poison and waiting to signal his guards to shoot you with arrows. Antivian Crows are not to be toyed with. Whatever they use to 'scare people' is unknown to me. All I know is that they are really good at what they do. Did you not hear of that ambassador killed in the heart of the palace of Orzammar? Not group of people worth their pennies could've done that easily. Be careful on who you joke about."[/color] Gerald said as he took another sip of his soup. He breathed in deeply taking in the fresh air and stretched out his fingers then clutched them into fists a few times to get some feeling back into them.