[h3]Samael | Summer Festival[/h3] [color=steelblue]"Huh? Uh... But I... Oh ok-... Okay..."[/color], in the span of a few seconds Sam's feast was knocked over, or what was left of it, his folding sickle slipped out of his sleeve, but then slipped back in as soon as the bumbling fool had given him enough compensation... And then was off, shortly afterwards, there was another guy running after him... Was he on the run? Who knows. Though it may be fortune that this happened, because if it had not, he would not have noticed the purple fireworks, which he was told was a signal. [color=steelblue]"Dirty fireworks"[/color], he said, as he got up and made a detour towards the shrine, to buy some more yakisoba on the way... And okonomiyaki... And candied apples... And corndogs... He was on a very long detour. He arrived fairly late to the shrine, with a whole heap of food in his hands as he consumed them at a restrained pace.