Pikatok's breathing slowed down as she continued her path, continuing to dig her hole. The hope of him slipping was dying, but there were other ways to capitalize on a literal ton of snow. As she collected herself, the sound of her breathing turned to a deep thrumming. Sounding like a bear in hunt, the clouds of steam leaving her mouth growing to twice the previous size. Each breath evenly placed as she tracked Kei's movement, her eyes darting to his destination and his current position to best predict his positioning before striking. A few paces ahead, and likely only a few seconds to strike. What to do? The idea that came to her was a bit reckless, as it would leave both her and her foe blind for a moment. She did have the upper hand though, she knew the assault was coming. As she circled, she was slowly getting deeper and deeper into the snow. It wasn't until she was about waist high in the snow that she lashed out, with her entire body weight she slammed into the wall of snow. Sending it flying forward as she bum-rushed Kei'Taro. Just like that she had attacked once more, this time around with an open palm thrust towards his chest. With a plume of snow erupting from in front of her, she didn't know how well he would see her. With the full brunt of her weight directed towards his chest, she intended to press him into the snow and hold him until he couldn't breathe. Though, the first step was slamming her hand into him.