Name: Aaron Russell Grade: Junior Codename: Voltaic Powers: Super-Conductive Electromagnetism: Aaron can sense sources of electromagnetic energy or objects that can be affected by it such as underground water pipes. He can magnetize and demagnetize metals. He can also manipulate and generate electromagnetic fields, but since he's fairly new at using his powers he has some training to do before he can do more with this ability. Electrokinesis: Aaron can generate electricity from his body and administer it in a range of different attacks and uses. He can charge devices, drain devices and project his electricity in a variety of controlled ways. Appearance: [img][/img] Clubs or Achievements: Despite his rough background Aaron is very smart. He's not in any clubs or organizations, but he has one of the highest grade point averages in the school. It would be higher if he didn't skip class as much as he did. Brief Bio: Aaron's life wasn't always bad. In fact before seventh grade he had the greatest life. He was living in New York with two loving parents until the summer after fifth grade. His dad ended up getting transferred to the Central City Police Department as a detective and his mother was able to transfer with her news anchor job. They moved to Central City and everything seemed to be going fine. Despite their busy schedules they spent time with their son and Aaron had new friends that were even better than the ones he had in elementary. One day while he was in seventh grade his dad got killed on the job and that left Aaron with something missing. He didn't have a father figure to look up to anymore and someone who could look after him. This is what got him into the gang life. He had a new family that seemed to care for him and protected him just as he protected them. He never had to kill anyone, but that didn't mean he didn't have to fight someone. He did a lot of that and even got good at it. He was so good at criminal activity to the point where he never got caught committing any criminal acts. On the night of the party he had a job to do in a nearby warehouse. One thing led to another and he ended up escaping the police by going to the party. Would the events of that night change his life and put him back on the right path? Maybe, maybe not. Spoiler Alert: He does end up put him on the right path.