[center] [img]http://s1.zerochan.net/Cross-Over.600.154239.jpg[/img] [b][h3]Eden Wright[/h3][/b] [u][b]15|Male|5'6[/b][/u] [b]Personality:[/b] Its hard to describe Eden, the best way of doing so would be calling him a wandering misfit. If asked, ‘Why do you travel?’ Eden would answer, ‘I travel because I’m a traveler’. He's a strange one, depending on the situation he can be friendly, or cruel and unforgiving. He's almost unnaturally lucky, and his inquisitiveness knows no bounds. He's the type of person who speaks his mind without thinking of the consequences. He's extremely unpredictable, it's almost impossible to guess what he will do next. Those that meet him are usually left confused and frustrated. Wherever he goes, something interesting is bound to happen. [b]Skills:[/b]Eden has acquired many skills over the years, most of came from his time spent traveling. He has a keen sense direction, he almost never gets lost. He is light on his feet and can move around without making a sound. Through training, he has also become a superb marksman. On the less violent side of things, he is great at cooking and enjoys preparing meals for himself when he has the time. All these skills are great, but the one thing he lacks is social awareness. [hider=Backstory] Little is actually known about Eden before he started roaming the land. There are many rumors, but none have been confirmed. What is common knowledge though, is that for the right price, he'll take any job. No less than 3 years ago rumors of a young boy who had been seen traveling without a destination began to spread. At first it was taken as a ghost story, people would not have thought a boy as young as 12 would be wondering on his own, but as time carried on they learned that it was no story. A traveler with no destination, Eden went from place to place taking any job that he could get. It didn't matter what is was, as long as there was coin involved he would take it. Thievery, spying, assassination, mercenary work, none of it was too much for Eden to handle. This attracted the attention of many shady people, some wanted him dead, others wanted to take him for themselves. One after another they pursued him, but every attempt was immediately shot down. The assassins couldn't even get close enough to harm him, and the recruiters couldn't even find him. He was now on the run, stopping for no more than a day at a time, he continued his work while dodging the attempts on his life. This all came to a halt when he was suddenly contacted by someone he knew from his past. They had a job offer for him, one that would allow him to escape the grasps of those who wished to end his life. With the hounds closing in, it was his only option. His new job took him undercover at the Ason school of summoning. The heiress to their company was attending the school. They didn't care what he did, his only job was to make sure she didn't get herself killed. Now a student of Ason, Eden was forced to abandon his wandering lifestyle. Will he be able to blend in while still doing his job? [/hider] [hider=Summon] [img]http://deadin.info/webpics/C96s.jpg[/img] [b][h3]David & Goliath[/h3][/b] Size: Small Element: David- Metal (Earth) Goliath- Electric Type: Object Skill/Abilities: Wielding these pistols drastically increases both Eden's agility and dexterity. He can perform feats that go far beyond the capabilities of even the most skilled human. He is also granted deadly accuracy with both pistols, he can use them efficiently far past their effective range. Backstory: Eden acquired these pistols long before he entered into the academy. They were passed down to him from his late father who was a well known traveling summoner. At first glance they appear to be ordinary pistols, but they are really summons who hold immense power. (More to be revealed in RP) [/hider][/center]