"Mr. Londe, you know why I am here I'm sure." A young women asked peering at Juric. Her uniform reeked of bureaucracy but did not belie the elegance of her smooth movements, everything she did seemed as if it were on purpose, from the way she sat on a chair to how she walked and glared at the bed ridden Juric. "Yes, you want me to reiterate what happened, for the one hundredth time." Juric spoke begrudgingly. Ever since his surreal experience Juric had been imprisoned in a hospital room with security at the door, as if he were a criminal. Juric's eyes peered past his glasses and at his left arm, the scars were back to normal save for one, which bulged and seemed to pulsate with his every heart beat. "This is only the eighth time I have been here." The young women responded with a huff. "In only five days!" Juric snapped back. "Regardless, this is for your own sake. I need to confirm the data that I have gathered regarding your incident before I can send it off. Now, if you'll bare with me, can you please run through what happened once more." The women spoke sternly. Juric didn't enjoy their exchanges, she was like a vulture trying to peck at a corpse that had long been ravaged, there wasn't more he could add. "Honestly, don't you have enough information to scare the public some more?!" Juric responded harshly. The women only raised an eye brow in response at first. "This is indeed a scary reality, I assure you my motives are sincere." The women responded earnestly. "Sincere? You and your goons have me locked up in this dingy room and refuse to tell me why!" Juric raised his voice. It was clear he was pissed off. "Honestly, first I get attacked by some fucked up ... [b]thing[/b]! Then I wake up a week later in this fucking room and no one tells me anything." Juric stated as he lowered his voice. He shifted his gaze to his lap where his hands lay, if memory served right, he had pierced the chest of that creature with his hand. Most of the event was a blur in his memory, but he remembered the voices, screaming at him and then the sickening rips, tares and splats as the creature was absorbed by the scars that dotted his left arm. The young women let out a long sigh before pulling out her mobile and standing. "I'll be leaving for now." She stated before walking off. Juric paid her no mind as he continued to stare at his hands.