He traced the engraving in the polished wooden grip of the gun with his fingers for the hundredth time since the airship took off. The same symbol he'd put on his armor. It felt different to hold something that had belonged to his father than to just look at pictures, like he was somehow closer. Sighing Jason slipped the revolver back into its dark leather holster, shifting a little as he was still trying to get used to the extra weight. He leaned against the wall to look out at the city below. [color=f26522]"Man everything looks so different from up here."[/color] He mumbled, leaning closer to the glass trying to get a better view. [color=f26522]"I think I can see my hou... Nope that's the zoo."[/color] His eyes were drawn to someones disgruntled mumbling, seeing someone about his height but thinner looking almost as green as the pants he was wearing. He barely managed to suppress a chuckle at that thought.