Indeed maus were dangerous places to the unprepared. She knew that quite well, after all her country was stationed right in between two of them. That’s another reasons Arcania’s borders were so tightly guarded. They couldn’t allow to any of the creatures within the maus to enter the territory of their country. Arcana’s too mined for magicide, but their operations were even smaller than Navire’s it seemed. Well arcana’s didn’t really need magicide to power tech with magic. Their bodies could supply a sensible amount of energy most other races couldn’t, but that was something that arcana’s didn’t just say to anyone they meet. [color=ed1c24] “My name is Selie’re Nasloede’kas. You could also call me Rose if my name is too hard on the tongue for any of you.”[/color] The arcana said with a wave of her hand as if to signify it didn’t really matter. For a long time the arcana knew that their names are usually quite hard for foreigners to pronounce. That was the reason why every arcana also had kind of a nickname to go by. [color=ed1c24]“I do have a question though. What will be the duration of the mining operation exactly?” [/color]She asked as depending on the answer certain preparations were going to be needed to be made. Otherwise the end result was not going to be pretty...