Also, Question: How does sub-characters sound? No real backround just a basic description and when you post you can let readers know that your talking about your sub character/s. Sub characters could be killed without worrying about where to go next (just make another after a while), with no real ties to your actual character they could interact with other characters and give them an opportunity for combat or romance without them being too precious to you or others. EG: Harker, the gang leader of a looting squad of 5. He and his group have basic clothes on, some even mave makeshift armour from rags and things they found on the road. Carrying mainly baseball bats and crowbars, Harker is the only one in the gang with a pistol. Leading his men through the wreckage of an apartment building he is currently having a shoot off with two armed men, each side on the opposite ends of a long corridor. Harkers pistol is close to breaking point, being already pretty shabby. Two of his lads are sneaking around the back. - Something like that could add to the RP and give other characters the opportunity to hear the gun shots, enter the buildin and run into the back of Harkers men sneaking around, leading to a three way fight perhaps. Just a thought :rollin