[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/i4VCzAe.jpg[/img][/center] [@Marik] A foul stench seeps through the crack of the door. It is infested with that of burnt skin, rotten intestines, and putrid saliva. The muffled whispers previously audible have been replaced by a heavy panting emanating from some dark presence. As Wesley cautiously peers through the bantam split, he beholds a nightmarish creature that he never thought imaginable or possible to exist in the physical world. It resembled a dog with ragged fur and slender limbs. Its body was clad and soaked in what could only be a sickening mixture of pus and flesh from human beings. The creature was horrid. Wesley cannot believe what he is seeing. Whatever was depicted in the paintings in the other room coming alive was one thing, but this had no logical explanation at all. Where did this beast come from? How did it find Wesley? Nothing was for certain; nothing could overcome the contradictions at this point. The beast simply stared at Wesley. There was nothing the man could do to hide from this eldritch horror, nor was there anything he could do to communicate with it, or calm it down. And then it happened, the beast lunged at the door and impacted it with its body and massive claws. The door was nearly pulverized by the creature’s attack and Wesley was taken by surprise, being hurled through the air backwards and into a row of chairs behind him. He did not sustain any major injuries, but the realization of the nightmare horror’s existence has taken a toll on his sanity. Luckily, Wesley is somewhat equipped for a fight. The nightmare hound stands in the door way, growling and observing his prey. The paintings in the room have reacted to the dark presence and are wailing a strange sound that seems to upset the otherworldly creature. [i]Note: Change your Madness attribute to C-.[/i] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/kn6PX7y.png[/img][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/mItnSYK.jpg[/img][/center] [@Pathfinder] The three-eyed bird suddenly takes flight from the top of the street light and lands on one of the dumpsters next to David. It screeches loudly and frantically, flapping its wings about and dancing with its legs. The display is a bit unsettling, but David has probably seen stranger things in his life. At the end of this tiny ritual, the bird spits a black mass of saliva in David’s face. The taste and stench is foul and the contents immediately invade the man’s body through mouth and nose. It is an extremely unpleasant experience and parts of your body come under extreme duress. However, the pain is over within a matter of seconds and now, the bird’s crackling makes perfect sense to you. What was once screeching is now speech that you can understand: “You better look out, human! You better look out, human! Dark things stir in the corners of your eyes! Dark things stir in the corners of your eyes!” said the Bird and then took flight. Moments later, the sound of a lone chime echoes throughout the alley and incomprehensible muttering fills the air. The steps of whatever approaches are floundering and heavy. An old woman appears around the corner of the restaurant. The movements of her body are spasmodic and irrational. Her dark robes are ragged and seemingly of ancient, Victorian styled fashion. She mumbles pestilent words of incantations and curses, while occasionally playing her chime. In one of her hands the old woman grips a ceremonial dagger. There is no other explanation other than this hag being a member of the cult, and she has come to claim David’s body and soul. As her muttering and playing of the chime stops, she raises the dagger above her head and charges her prey with incredible legerity, while wailing akin to a weeping banshee. [i]Notes: Change your Madness attribute to C-, and add ‘Understand Crow Speak’ to your Talents.[/i] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/kn6PX7y.png[/img][/center] [@Dragonite777] As Cecelia enters the empty car lot, she is a bit startled that the three-eyed cat now sits upon the roof of a car. As the young girl hesitates, she fails to mind her treading and gets her foot caught in a bantam crack in the pavement. The fall is particularly harsh on the ankle and knee of her right leg. The occult animal simply stares at the helpless lad as she lay in agony for a minute, and then it vanishes into the dark night. The keys in Cecelia’s possession belong to one of the cars in the lot, but it might be unsafe to drive in her current condition. The street is still suspiciously empty and there is no other sign of life except the pawnshop, but there is no telling what kind of person that dwells therein. However, no other oddities seem to have found Cecelia at this time and she remains hidden from the cult and the dimensions beyond. [i]Note: Change your Madness attribute to B-. Your character now has a ‘leg injury’. The pawnshop might have Pain Killers to sell, but you currently have no money—perhaps some kind of trade might work.[/i] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/kn6PX7y.png[/img][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/kvMjZgx.jpg[/img][/center] [@DJAtomika] Ryan’s senses jolt awake from a sudden breaking of a bottle nearby. Some manner of homeless man is rumbling through the garbage, but he appears to be harmless. As the world is slowly brought back into focus, Ryan beholds an empty street and a beating downpour. He feels a sting on his neck; the brand is pulsating pain as another soul akin to himself is nearby. Upon moving his body and attempting to stand on his feet, Ryan appears to be unharmed, but his memory of the past few hours is hazy. His clothes are soaked and torn. A few feet away lay his brown leather bag with all of his belongings tucked inside. However, another object rests beside it. Upon closer inspection, Ryan discovers that it is a hand grenade*. There is no logical explanation to why such a destructive weapon would casually litter a city akin to common garbage. Perhaps it is what the homeless man is looking for, or maybe Ryan stole it from somewhere? The street appears endless in both directions. To Ryan’s left rests the sight of life and some manner of establishment and the homeless man, but the brand on his neck pulls to the right where he will find a man named David Cohen. Ryan does not know what the pain in his neck means, but his gut tells him that he should follow its call.