Pulling the scope away from his eyes and shuffling off the table, Isaac but the rifle back down against the sofa in the corner of the room. Walking over to kitchen once again, Isaac heard some shuffling below him as he drank from one of the water bottles, the floor below. He hadn't heard [i]anything[/i] these last few days. Taking his knife from the table and throwing his bag over his shoulder, tightening the straps, he walked back over to the the fire escape window. Swinging his legs over the edge he gripped the first bar and dropped onto the level below. Ducking behind the metal frame, he peered through the mesh at the window. It looked like the window was blocked by something wooden, probably a cabinet or wardrobe. Climbing onto the edge of the window, he planted one foot into the bottom right corner of the window frame and the other firmly against the fire escape. Swinging hard with his right arm - his left arm covering his face - he struck the glass with the butt of his blade. It didn't shatter, but it was close to. A second swing of his arm and the glass eventually broke, falling down the 3 floors to the ground, crashing on the alley way floor. Kicking the rest of the glass away carefully, Isaac pushed against whatever it was blocking the door. After a final surge of energy from his legs, it topled over and left the window open to climb through. Isaac heard a crunch as it hit the floor. Sliding through the window he was enveloped in the dark, only the dim light passing through the fire escapes metallic frame. Something brushed against Isaacs leg and he swiftly stepped back, a zombies arm and head coming out from under the wardrobe. Kneeling down and stabbing into the head with his blade , gritting his teeth as the blood coated the blade, he pulled it out as fast as he dug it in. Lifting his head he saw a dozen zombies , all facing the other way. He didn't breath. He slowly made his way back towards the window, parting the curtains and reaching up for a grip. Suddenly his foot broke through the back of the wardrobe with a loud crash - the wood trapping his ankle - only just holding in a cry of pain, he pulled the curtains back tight together, dipping the entire corridor into blackness. Grimacing in pain he stayed still, careful no to make more noise. Taking his bag from his back he took out the flashlight, and lifted it up to chest height. With a quick flash he splashed his enviroment in light. The zombies were still facing the same way, they hadn't turned thankfully. Sliding his blade into the gap between the wood and his foot he began to chip away at the sharp splinters, wincing as he pulled them from his flesh. He couldn't climb with his foot like this, so he crawled slowly over to the nearest door and pushed it open. Bright light surged through into the corridor as the window in the room was wide open, pulling himself through before the zombies noticed. Closing the door, he put his back against it. A soft groan came from the corner opposite him, heavy thuds of steps, a rotten face breaking through the dark.