Walking back out of the shadows, fastening his pants as he approached the fire, Martin moved over to where the mapo was lain out and quickly started to scratch out details onto the parchment. [color=00aeef]"Right, so I think the majority agree we head for the Free Marches. And there's three possible routes we could take, depending on where we want to end up..."[/color] [center][hider=Travel Plans][img]http://i.imgur.com/C2wF5nZ.png[/img] [sub][color=ff9601][b]Orange[/b][/color] - Land routes; roads, paths and cross country. [color=bf00ff][b]Purple[/b][/color] - Deep Roads. [color=01eaff][b]Blue[/b][/color] - Water routes; rivers, canals and lakes. [color=00ff00][b]Green[/b][/color] - Imperial Highway. [color=ed1c24][b]Big Red Spot[/b][/color] - You are here![/sub][/hider][/center] [color=00aeef]"The way things are right now it's a matter of choosing between Starkhaven or Kirkwall, since the tensions between the two cities mean it would be an arsehole's squeeze trying to get from one to the other without having to answer a hell of a lot of questions about our intent. We'd most likely get strung up as spies before we made it in sight of the walls."[/color] Pausing to give a nod in Henrietta's direction Martin tapped his dagger down on the river in the middle of the Free Marches. [color=00aeef]"If we're heading for Tantervale, then we should look to press on to Starkhaven, traveling along the Minanter River. Otherwise there's the coast or mountain routes leading us to Kirkwall."[/color] With a quick glance over his shoulder, back into the darkness from which he'd just emerged Martin reluctantly added, [color=00aeef]"There is another route as well. An entrance to the Deep Roads not too far from here which could get us to either Kirkwall or Starkhaven a lot quick, and a... reliable source tells me the tunnels are being kept clear by an ally of the Grey Wardens, so it should be safe enough to travel in relative safely. And by that I mean we'd likely get attacked by darkspawn once a week, rather than once a day."[/color] Sitting back down Martin gave a moment for the information to sink in, letting the Company make their own decisions as to what the best option may be without his interference swaying their choice.