[H2]Tahlia Cross The Gymnasium[/H2] "Uh, not off the top of my head, sorry... Oh, how rude of me, I haven't even introduced myself. My names is Tahlia. It's pretty cool to meet you" Tahlia half smiled and packed her Violin away. It felt pretty cool to be in a band. It was something she could take pride in... And, the guitar guy was kinda cute too. But she sooo totally wasn't into him at all. "I've never been in a band before, so this will be a good experience, it'll be alot of fun playing music, I haven't done it in so many years." She let out a sigh of relief, her eyes suddenly watching the cute blonde guy with the guitar. [H2]Haru Nanaya[/H2] So between the astranged blonde guy. The kid with the pet rat that fell on his face and neither of the two answering back to his introduction, Haru grew bored of where this conversation was going. To be quite honest, he did not enjoy being ignored. "Um, are you like, okay, that looks like it really hurt. Here, let me help you up, I don't care what you say, you'll need like an ice pack for that or something... eyaa" The small rat decided to run up Haru. He wasn't completely against it, but he didn't particularly enjoy it ether. "Oh, Mr. Nezumi. Please, don't run up my leg without my permission from now on." The pet gave him a cute squeak. Haru was kind of oblivious to what animals had to say, on account that he didn't particularly like them. "'Spose we should help your buddy huh?" The pet gave a squeak that was akin to a 'yes'. "So, got a name?" Said Haru as he lifted the kid off the ground.