Gwen and her Father were eating silently in the messy kitchen, with several piles of boxes upon boxes, Gwen had to dig though a couple boxes to find a plate to put last nights leftover on, a slice of pizza and breadsticks, not a really healthy breakfast for a growing girl but it all they had since her father had to move to a new city. Gwen's father was unpacking a box of pots and pans into the cupboards, he had plan to work early on moving stuff while Gwen was sleeping but that plan changed when Gwen woke up early and he woke up late. Gwen was just poking away at her pizza and nibbling on her breadsticks, she didn't feel hungry. She only wanted to start school so she doesn't have to be around her father he was nice but overbearing and protective, she just wanted to get away from that. "Gwen, do you need a ride to your school?" Her father politely asked, Gwen glanced down at her pizza again, "No thanks dad, you should just head to work, I can my way and besides, your terrible with directions." Gwen said, her father chuckled, "Yeah I guess I do, it's a good thing you're so reliable Gwen, but just be careful when you wander the city I heard news about a possible killer." Her father spoke with worry in his voice. Gwen nodded and got up from the table and threw out the remainder of her pizza and breadsticks in the garbage and put the dirty plate in the sink and waved her father bye as she went down the kitchen hall to the front door and grabbed her school bag and went through the front door. The train station was only a block away from her house and she made it on time, and the train was packed but not uncomfortably so. She was on her cellphone, she was looking at a text she had received a half an hour ago, it was from her mother. She closed her messages after reading the short message of love and miss you from mom. She quickly went on the internet while waiting for her stop, she looked up the news and it was talking about the thing her father was talking about but it didn't really interest Gwen it was all a confusion mess to her and she didn't really care. At her stop she put her phone away and walked to the school, keeping her head down and not looking people in the eyes, she just wanted to be on time, and not give people a bad impression of her on the first day. She has already knew which class so she has no excuse to be late. She went straight to her classroom and sat next to a boy drawing, since she has time to kill she pulled out her phone and went on the internet on it. After a few solid minutes of reading all things she already read on the train she got bored and decided to look at her neighbor and try to see what he was doing. "So, what are you drawing?" Gwen asked.