Hi-Summoner Realmor looked out the window onto the school grounds. Tomorrow would be his second attempt to increase the student body at school. His first attempt last year didn't go so well, mostly because of an incident with one of the students being kidnapped by a research firm while attending this school. That particular incident had hit the school hard, especially its reputation. Realmor was still furious that a scam like that made it through the screening process he had implemented at school to prevent just that same exact thing. He had investigated the matter, and found out the the staff were largely to blame, so after he had sacked almost all of them, this year his new employees would come on and he needed to make sure that they were well taught. Another mistake like last year would probably be the end of his job as headmaster of the school. Every time he thought of that incident made his blood boil. He walked over to a roost in the middle of his room where is summon Fury rested. He patted the large bird on its head and then sat down in front of the fireplace in his easy chair. This year would have to be perfect, he didn't even want to know how many students would stop coming. He rested his head in his hands and began to think of what he could do tomorrow. [i][color=fff200]The next Morning[/color][/i] [center][h3][color=fff200]Monday: First Day of School[/color][/h3][/center] [hr] [i]"Meeka and Rune got off of the bus and looked at the large building in front of them. It was the first day that they would get to look at a factory on the inside. Other students had also gotten off the bus and once everyone was off, all the students walked into that factory. As soon as Meeka had entered those doors, everything disappeared and she found herself in a steel cage in a dark room. Rune was in another cage next to her but he didn't move. The door opened and a few guys wearing blue doctor coats walked in and grabbed Meeka...[/i] Meeka woke up in her room. Small beads of sweat forming on her forehead. Her ears twitched as the cool dawn breeze flowed through her room. She yawned and slowly got out of bed. [color=8493ca]"Ugh. Another nightmare. When are these going to end?"[/color] She rubbed her eyes and walked into the bathroom and turned on the light. She took a good look at herself to make sure that nothing else had changed. She heard from the people that did this to her that it was possible for her to attain additional transformations. Her ears were the same, furry and positioned on the top of her head. Her somewhat bushy tail hadn't grown at all, her canine teeth were still there. She looked at her hands, no claws had grown there, yet. She hoped that that wouldn't happen. It was already 7:00 am. Meeka could tell, she could hear her parents getting ready for the day on the other side of the house. Once Meeka had refreshed herself in the bathroom, she walked over to her closet and looked at the school uniform she had left out of her luggage for the first day of school. Her mom had altered it so it would fit her comfortably even with a tail, she also changed the inside fabric so that it would be more comfortable while retaining its magical properties. Little did Meeka know, but her mom had a GPS chip installed in her clothes when she made the alteration. Once she donned her uniform and cloak that came with it she went down stairs and by the time she got to the kitchen her dad was already cooking breakfast in the hand of Baalfire his 8 foot fire elemental. (There is a large window that leads outside that Ballefire can enter to be used as a furnace, and Meeka's house is inlaid with stone and the ground as well in a 50 foot radius all around her house so that Baalfire could be out without setting the nearby trees on fire) Her dad greeted Meeka as she entered the kitchen, "[color=f7941d]"Good morning sunshine! How does eggs and bacon sound for today?"[/color] Meeka managed a weak smile as she sat at the table. Soon enough, breakfast was ready and Meeka's mom came into the kitchen to join them for breakfast. After they had all finished eating, they loaded Meeka's suitcases into the car. Meeka didn't have any problem lifting her heavy suitcases into the vehicle. Despite her tiny size, she had no problem lifting 50lbs with one hand over her head. A gift from the gruesome transformation she had gone through. Once all the luggage was loaded Meeka's dad drove them to Ason High School. (Along the way, her parents confirmed Meeka's choice that she wanted to attend this school.) Once they made it to the school, they were greeted by a group of people that moved all the luggage from the car to her dorm. As Meeka was getting ready to leave, her dad told her, [color=f7941d]"Oh. Meeka! I took up a position at this school as the assistant arena and battle instructor. Just letting you know so your not surprised when you see me at class."[/color] Meeka nodded he head as she followed the designated people to her dorm. They unloaded all her suitcases at Room 258 and handed her the key to the room. After they left, Meeka opened the door and dragged her suitcases into the room. She didn't even bother to unpack her other things, she just sat at the desk and set her head down.