Yato didn't need to hear from Titus to know the situation was dire, he'd seen plenty himself. Stories of PKers were running rampant in the further recesses of society now, and some players were making a living off of it. Hell, he and his friends had crossed paths with one or two of them, only to beat them in duels and leave them on their own to fend. "One can only prepare so much, there's always the chance of an unknown," he observed, nodding somberly, "At best we can surround ourselves with enough people so sheer numbers wins out, but then we can't expect that to be practical. There has to be a means in which people can defend themselves, one more practical than an entourage of armed players..." But what? It was a question he had mused over innumerable times as of late and yet each time he'd not gotten an answer. Perhaps the easiest method was to fight fire with fire as it were, fight the PKers and intimidate them into dropping their malicious trade. It wasn't ideal as people were bound to die, but if it cut down on the cases then maybe it was the best, and only route. "So you're proposing we form a group solely to inhibit the actions of the PKers, is that it?" Yato asked rhetorically, frowning as he glanced down at the table before them, "And admirable goal, but a hefty one. Aincrad is massive, we're few in number. At best we may be able to spread the word through one city, but do you honestly believe that we've the capability to achieve such a thing?" Glancing over at Titus when he slammed his glass he frowned, not having noticed how passionate his friend was about this before. He could sympathize, as it was a deplorable act and one that deserved punishment, but the proposal being made was not only massive but dangerous. "I can't speak for Cress or Asari, their decision is their own to make. However..." Yato continued, sitting upright and smiling slightly, "If your conviction is this strong then I can appreciate what you wish to accomplish, and I for one would love to make this world a little safer, even if only slightly. If you're truly serious about starting such a group then you can count me in, you've got my sword." This could well be signing his death warrant, but then it wasn't much of a life here if he just sat by and watched others suffer anyways. [hr] Suto's ears reddened hearing Minerva calling after him, a sheepish smile crossing his lips as he glanced back. "Heh... Uh, bye Minerva!" he shouted back, giving a wave before having to look away shyly. She was awfully pretty, it made even just talking to her kind of awkward. Here he was, a dorky kid from a nowhere town chatting up some famous singer, how was he supposed to handle that? She was nice, thank goodness, otherwise he'd probably made more of a fool of himself than he'd already done. Letting out a sigh he rubbed his head in exasperation, kind of glad to be out of that situation and onto... Well, onto trying to control the drunken girl at his side. Yari was most certainly drunk, or if not then terribly close to it. Almost cringing when he heard her butcher his name he glanced over at her, smiling slightly as he began hoping Fitch wouldn't come out and see her like this; Yari had been almost depressed earlier, the fact she was so carefree now was the liquor, he was certain of it. How would that make their friend feel, knowing that she was okay only when drunk? "Yari... You really should slow down on the drinking, please? It's not good for you," Suto said, smiling as he tried to snatch away her drink when offered only to miss it. Hanging his head dismally for a moment he shuffled into line at one of the concession stands, hoping now that perhaps a bit of food might help straighten his friend out. Whilst staring down at the ground he noticed someone cut in front of them in line, glancing up and staring at the back of someone in a long black coat. Blinking confused he frowned, reaching up and prodding the other boy square between the shoulders. "Hey, you can't cut us, we were here first!" Huh? What was that just now, it felt like a fly had landed on him. Shrugging his shoulders dismissively the brown-haired boy tried to focus on waiting for the line to move, frowning when he felt that annoying prodding again. Letting out a sigh he finally turned around, looking at Suto unamused as he met the boy's gaze indifferently. "I can cut you, I just did, deal with it," Doku retorted, smirking slightly as he folded his arms, "Besides, looks like you've got your hands busy with your girlfriend, so I'm sure you don't mind waiting an extra minute or two." "S-She's not my girlfriend!" Suto responded hastily, his face becoming a deep red as he pointed in Doku's face, "She's just a friend, and I'm just getting her food! Don't go assuming things!" Fitch really couldn't hear that, and what if word started to get around? Oh no... "Hey, easy there kid, I was only joking," Doku responded, closing his eyes as he put his hands up defensively, "No reason to get bent out of shape." Lowering his hands again he looked over at Yari, scrutinizing her for every inch of her body. She was pretty damn cute he'd have to say, and while he could do without the drunkness it could make things a little fun. "She's really beautiful, you should be dating her. Shame you're not, someone else might come along and scoop her up," he teased, reaching out and taking Yari's free hand in his own, "Pleasure to meet you, miss. My name is Doku," he added, leaning down and lightly kissing her hand.