Ryan shrugged as he took the phone and stood on it. "So we're taking kids now?" He sighed, but it would be what Cassie would want to do. He picked up his sister before turning to Edith. "Our handy little helper giving us a map is all good and everything but how do you intend to get across the city. I mean we have a doctor, a kid and an unconscious girl. You're in prison outfits and I'm a statue. We're not exactly discreet in any meaning of the word. You got a secret path to this secret base of yours?" IT was a serious question, the second they stepped out of this alley (Which X3s were probably already heading too) they would be flagged up by dozens of cameras and then be swarmed before he could even swear at anyone for being an idiot. Though as much as he hated to admit it, Edith seemed to be someone with a plan and someone who could fulfill it. She knew somewhere to go and she already had a little dohickey that at least looked complicated and useful. Though that would be the mystery, and he'd find out sooner or later if it was going to work. If not, he wasn't going back to prison. Not without a reason anyway, and if they sent people after him he'd be damn sure to give them a reason.