Intent on putting as much distance between him and this creature, Wesley cautiously sidles over to the isle that flanks the seating on the left end of the room, eyes locked on the beast and axe raised so it knows that he means business. But as he backed away, for every step back that thing took one forward, never letting Wesley gain any distance. It was probably the most disgusting thing the boy had ever seen, the sickening display of human remains forcing a gag reflex. That and the incessant wailing, that seemed to be coming from the paintings… A noise that seemed to upset the creature. With that, Wesley got an idea. Tearing one of the paintings from the wall, he’d grip it like a shield, blocking his body from the beast as he advanced forward with weapon in hand. Going around its right side, Wesley strikes, once, twice, three times, Bringing down the heavy weapon on the monster’s back. With any luck he'd kill, or at least make the thing know that he did not want to be fucked with. Going around it and heading for the door was his intention, always keeping himself and the painting facing the monster.