This is when red rushes out. He attempts to get away but trips over Sammy's foot and fumbles down the three stairs to the entrance of their dusty saloon. Moaning in pain he scampers to his feet only to feel a cold gun at the side of his head. The nostalgia of his luck being put to the test in the ultimate gamble surged with the excitement, terror and adrenaline all already coursing through his veins. He wouldn't have time to pull his own pistol, and even if he moved his head in time, the sound of a blaring blast from the large gun would leave him immobilized. He was in another one of kid red's famous pickles, the very same ones he used to get out of daily as a kid. But he wasn't a kid any more, and with his bum leg and recent lack of action, Red wasn't ready to get out of this one. "what's the hurry buddy?" Kilian said to the man he kept his gun pointed at? "Who me? You know, the wife and kids expect me home about an hour ago and I don't think they'd find it comforting to hear I've been drinking the day away" Red said in a sincere and composed manor. Kilain just shook his head. "No way kid, no one would marry someone with red hair like that" "Hey, why not say that to some of the girls at this here bar? They sweet talk me all th-" "That's their job you idoit"