[h3]Customs Offices, Yllendthyr[/h3] The walls were a pristine white color and the floors were a dark wood native to the elven country. A dark haired, rather beautiful women sat on bench, along with a pungent half elf, that seemed to have been molded out of the floor. That women was Katrina Claire. When she arrived in the capital the oddest thing happened, she was declined entry and was forced to sit with other undesirables. [i]This is my first assignment and its screwed ten ways to hell.[/i] "Ugh." She released all of her frustrations aloud and it even made the hybrid vagrant to her left move off the bench and mutter, "What the hell is her problem." Now Katrina, a native Hambrian had to sit, embarrassed and very pissed off, in this foreign country waiting for her all-access diplomatic passport to be cleared from the hell hole that was Yllendrian Customs. [h3]A Day Earlier[/h3] The climate of San Barbaria was much like the rest of the Hambrian Republic, it was hot and dry in the summer and cool and wet in the winter. currently the hot summer sun's rays beat down upon Tim Puzo's back. He just got back from an hour lunch in this Podunk diner in this Podunk town waiting for the Podunk inhabitants of the main Census office of San Barbaria to return from their lunch. The town in question wasn't really that "Podunk" he just really hated the San Barbarians. Tim almost began to walk to his car then a lady in a pencil skirt being flanked by business men unlocked the front doors. So Tim followed and had a brief meeting with Derrick Brown the manager of the building, who by the way was a total and complete ass. In the car on the way to the airport Tim read through the finalized results of the census results. One question, that was a new addition, it asked if they felt secure in their country and 64% felt they did not. The recent attacks in Don Wei and KalMea seems to have struck chords within the common man. Tim rushed the driver and in an hour and a half he was in Ciudad in front of the president of Hambria announcing the news. After several moments of thought Salvatore called in his advisers and pushed his memoirs aside. Within ten minutes two plans were proposed either expand the military or help the freedom loving nations. [i]If we expand our military the citizens would grow even more scared, they'll fear that the government isn't telling them something. If we try help KalMea some citizens probably wouldn't like it either.[/i] Rather than scaring his people more President Salvatore began to ask his advisers the best way to deal with this issues, surprisingly Mario, the Military adviser, and Raefiel, the International diplomat agreed that sending over troops to cooperate with the other nations could prove beneficial to the domestic security of Hambria. Salvatore adjourned the meeting and began writing letters to the KalSol. [color=f26522][h2]KalSol, KalMea[/h2][/color] Mulspan Kilb, KalSol of KalMea, I have heard word of the terrorist attacks by extremists and of the riots. I offer my deepest condolences as well as, if you so need, an attachment of soldiers unto 100,000 led by one of our generals from the Nation of Hambria. I understand that you if may not need them however I extend this courtesy as to strengthen the relationship between our two nations. Sincerely, Roman Salavatore