[i][CENTER]Within one week, major cities on the East Coast became riddled with the virus. It took two weeks for the virus to spread to smaller cities, three weeks for towns and smaller settlements. Some folks fortified their homes and fought off the dead for as long as they could. Some kept moving. After four weeks, bands of survivors were few, and the dead began to hunt for their food.[/CENTER][/i] [hr] [I]Infected[/I] is a reboot/sequel to a longstanding roleplay created by [b]Ayesha/Rarity[/b]. Permission has been granted by the original GM, who may return in the future, to recreate. We’re looking for committed players with an interest in [b]character development[/b]. This will be a largely [b]character-driven[/b] roleplay; their actions and choices will move the plot forward. We encourage you to come up with plot points yourselves, as well as shape the world the story is set in. Once your character is approved, you'll be able to discuss your ideas in the OOC with your fellow players before moving ahead. Characters will be approved by one or more of the veterans of [i]Infected[/i]'s initial run: [@FaithsRose], [@SilverFox], [@teapotshark] and [@MistressCyanide]. [hr] The virus manifests itself in a variety of ways, but the common symptom is life – or rather a half-life – after death. Contracting the virus leads to sickness, which then leads to death. Soon after the virus kills its victims, they are reanimated. These reanimated corpses experience a manic desire to infect, kill and/or consume the living. [b]Average Undead[/b] [INDENT]The most common of the infected are slow and travel in numbers, with the odd exception. Although not inherently intelligent, they are capable of learning from their experiences, and have thus began to co-operate and use hunting tactics.[/INDENT] [b]Runners[/b] [INDENT]A less ubiquitous manifestation of the virus, colloquially called “Runners”, they are fast travellers and can maintain their speed for prolonged periods of time. They also show symptoms of mania greater than that of the average victims.[/INDENT] [b]Spitters[/b] [INDENT]A rare manifestation of the virus. “Spitters” possess the ability to launch a mouthful of infected fluid at a target. This fluid is contagious, should it come into contact with the blood, eyes, mouth or open wounds of a living target.[/INDENT] [b]Screamers[/b] [INDENT]As of yet, this appears to be the rarest of the virus’ manifestations. Infected are able to release a high-pitched shriek, the sound of which attracts more common infected.[/INDENT] [hr] [u][b]Rules:[/b][/u] We are a friendly and open-minded roleplay and we would like to keep the experience fun for everyone. That means we're LGBT+ friendly, anti-hate, etc. [INDENT]1. This is a High Casual to Low Advanced roleplay. Each IC post should be more than two paragraphs long and legible. 2. Be realistic to the setting. Follow the rules of the world set out by the GMs. For example, your character is not going to possess any magical ability or survive the virus. 3. Post regularly. A minimum of once a week is preferred. 4. Refrain from speed-posting if it’s going to leave someone behind. 5. If you require a hiatus or would like to leave the roleplay, please inform a GM. 6. All players have as much a say in the development of the roleplay as the GMs do. Plot points, worldbuilding, discuss it in the OOC and see how it plays out. 7. No godmodding, Mary/Gary Sues, out-of-character hate, etc. [/INDENT] [hr] [u]Character Sheet:[/u] Take a look at the rest of the characters before applying. We'd like variation and originality where possible. Please post your character sheets in the [b]Characters[/b] tab and await approval. You may have up to [b]2[/b] characters. [INDENT][b]Name:[/b] (May also include nicknames and aliases.) [b]Age:[/b] (Variety would be especially appreciated here.) [b]Appearance:[/b] (Description and/or photograph.) [b]Occupation Pre-Outbreak: Weapons and Supplies:[/b] (It’ll be unlikely your character has a gatling gun, so be realistic.) [b]History:[/b] (Minimum of two paragraphs.) [b]Personal Goal:[/b] (What do they aim to achieve post-outbreak?) [b]Trivia:[/b] (Optional.) [/INDENT]