[center][color=00aeef][b]Fayth Morrow[/b][/color][/center] A friend? Fayth nearly laughed, but she was too exhausted to do even that. Friends were scarce, even those in her current pack weren't close enough to truly know about her. To know everything was to invite the darkness that came with it. Could anyone accept it? Accept her? Fay was ready to smack the water bottle down to the ground and reject her, but the blood on her hands. She needed to be rid of it. Rather than drink, Fay remained silent as she listened to Vanessa speak. Pouring the cool liquid over her hands and rubbing them clean. Then she splashed it up to her face, getting rid of the stains as much as possible. Fayth could tell the new girl was trying to keep her calm, that she was a wolf, but the way she spoke made Fay grit her teeth in frustration. Finally she took a small gulp of water. Breathing out in some relief as her head became a little more clear. "I'm not just like you, you're not like me. And you're not going to be my friend by showing up out of nowhere." Fay crushed the empty bottle and tossed it aside. "Did [i]he[/i] send you? Is that what this is?"