[h1][center][i][color=fff79a]Okami[/color][/i][/center][/h1] Shifting on the balls of her feet, she scanned the trees around her while listening to the sounds of the forest. She'd been skeptical to do a final training session with her team before the match-ups on Ichimura-sensie's order but...now that she was her, she knew why he'd instructed them to do this. Neither of them wouldn't hold back, Okami couldn't keep a grin from her lips as she began to move once more. They'd probably leave exhausted and bruised -then again that was how most of their training sessions ended anyway- but happy to know they'd be fine for what lay ahead. Pausing when she reached the edge of the trees she lowered herself to the ground and stretched her arms over her head. They'd arrived twenty-munutes minutes ago and bad instantly scattered, they begin when the above locked out the sun for a few moments. Grinning again in anticipation, Okami jumped up back into the trees and closed her eyes, her chakra rising into the air and spreading out of her body. Her hands instinctively beginning to form the hand-signs she'd need for her first move, drawing a deep breath in and opening her eyes when a sudden shadow spread across the forest, Okami took off. A jolt of excitement and happiness surging through her body as she breached the treeline and landed in the center of the familiar cleaning, now all she had to do was wait. It was time to begin. [hider=Training Area] [img]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/248/4/3/forest_by_oyoshina-d5dqlha.jpg[/img] (Where Okami was) [img]http://freehdw.com/images/800/3d-abstract_other_a-clearing-in-the-forest_26354.jpg[/img] (Where's she's headed, it's a cleaning where they normally meet[if that's okay, I mean]) [/hider] [@ViolentViolet] [@King Kindred]