[hider=Linta Hohyener] [centre][img]http://www.wallpaperup.com/uploads/wallpapers/2013/06/28/110347/big_thumb_7cce7816c2b855723dbdcc41a8587804.jpg[/img] [i]Linta is well-built with wiry muscle, nothing pronounced. Her eyes are warm golden brown. Prefers practical military clothing, such as trousers, boots and jackets. Before her imprisonment, she wore a customary shortsword on her belt, more traditional than for use.[/i] [hider=Harpy] [img]http://orig14.deviantart.net/4582/f/2012/237/6/9/harpy_by_telthona-d5ceuxc.jpg[/img] [i]When transformed, she takes a similar shape to the pictured, though with large tail feathers as opposed to a long tail. Her hair retains its blonde colour, but recedes in length, and her feathers take on the colour and patterning of a barn owl. Feathers grow in her hair forming somewhat of a backward-swept crest, similar to pictured.[/i] [/hider] [/centre] [h3]Generic Information[/h3] [b]Name:[/b] Linta Höhyener [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Height:[/b] 5'3 [b]Sexuality:[/b] Hetero [h3]Psych Profile[/h3] [b]Traits[/b] [list] [*] [u]Adaptive:[/u] Linta is able to adapt to new situations easily. She can blend in with peasant crowds one moment and dazzle a ballroom in the next. She can be both graceful and assertive. If the situation calls for it, she can generally fill the role. [*] [u]Combat Trained:[/u] Due to her upbringing, Linta has training in hand-to-hand combat, with and without weaponry. [*] [u]Blunt:[/u] Linta doesn't like talking in riddles. She gets straight to the point, and asserts herself in conversation. That said, she's no stranger to coyness, though that's more for fun than anything else. When talking of anything with relative importance, she doesn't fool around. [*] [u]Animal Lover:[/u] From horses to mice, Linta has an affinity for animals. Her favourites, however, are birds, specifically raptors and carrion birds. [/list] [b]Flaws[/b] [list] [*] [u]Cold Front:[/u] While she is not inherently unkind or unpleasant, some find her somewhat cold at first. [*] [u]Ferocious:[/u] While true anger does not come too often (though annoyance is common) Linta's anger sets her out of her right mind; she's less tactful when angry, often letting it blind her to danger or those she's hurting. [*] [u]Headstrong:[/u] Linta has the tendency to blindly react to emotion - she often rushes into things without quite thinking them through. [*] [u]Poor Control:[/u] Linta has poor control over herself when transformed, and has a hard time resisting the urge to change. She will [i]not[/i] denote this as weakness on her part and instead prefers to think that she has a particularly demanding monster. She's military, dammit. [*] [u]Sensitivity:[/u] Linta has considerable sensitivity to bright light and loud sound. Brightness such as going outside on a sunny day is painful, and something akin to looking right at the sun would be temporarily blinding. What’s worse, this sensitivity seems to be getting more and more serious, and she can tolerate less and less light over time. Very loud sound, especially in closed quarters, causes loud ringing in her ears and considerable pain. [*] [u]Claustrophobic:[/u] Just as the word would imply, Linta dislikes small enclosed spaces, becoming especially panicked if she has little or no room to move. Going a long while without seeing the sky drives her a little loony. [*] [u]Handless:[/u] When transformed, her arms become wings and her fingers become part of the wing, thus rendering her hands unusable. [/list] [b]Harpy Abilities[/b] [list] [*] [u]Shriek:[/u] With her monster transformation came the ability to mimic bird calls, the most powerful of which is an ear-splitting shriek inherited from owls. [*] [u]Talons:[/u] In her harpy form, her loss of hands is made up for by the gain of formidable razor-sharp talons on her feet. She has little need for any other weapon while she has these. [*] [u]Senses:[/u] Her harpy transformation has given her augmented senses of hearing and sight, particularly at night. [*] [u]Stealth:[/u] Her feathers are modelled after that of an owl’s, granting her with silent flight and near-silent movement. [*] [u]Flight:[/u] She has wings. They work. She’s useful as a messenger and as a scout or spy. [/list] [b]Backstory:[/b] Linta is the oldest of two siblings, together making up the most recent tier of the considerably long Höhyener line. Her family has been in command of the nation’s armies for fifteen generations, and have spawned war heroes, aristocrats, and most sacredly, generals. Raised in a strict home, it was as if she were thoroughbred for the military. From the time she could walk she was taught to ride, fight, shoot a bow and take orders. Of all the fighting styles she learned, she preferred and excelled in archery above the rest. To say her household was a strict one is a gross understatement. Her father was military, had been raised that way, and ran the house like a platoon of soldiers. Orders were given, and by God they were followed if the subject knew what was good for them. He ran a tight ship, having his children train until they could not stand, and pushing their noses into books the rest of the time. Lord Höhyener was not a patient man and did not tolerate mediocrity, and folded his two children into the shapes of perfect officers, no matter what they had to say about it. When she was ten, she was taught to hunt with the aid of a falcon, and had a great affinity for the sport, and was well liked by the birds. It quickly became her favourite pastime, and eventually she trained a few of the birds herself, namely a hunting falcon, a messenger raven, and her personal favourite, a barn owl named Nyala. This bird, while being trained for nighttime hunting, became a companion for Linta as well. For a long while, Linta built herself a reputation for preferring the company of her horse or her birds than people. With the harsh regiment that awaited her in her home, it wasn’t hard to see why. Becoming the perfect lady was never much of a priority (of course, she was taught good court manners for negotiations in the future) and marrying her off was far from her father’s goal. No, he shaped her to hunger for power, for authority, to lead men into battle as opposed to treating their wounds when they returned. Hell, by the time she was twenty she was commanding the cavalry in her father’s army, training the archers, and making important decisions in the strategy room, her brother by her side commanding the infantry and overseeing foreign affairs. She was quick to earn the respect of her men and her title of Commander, both by proving any man who doubted her sorely mistaken and skillfully networking outside of battle. She never followed men into the (admittedly few, as the country was experiencing relative peace) battles she fought, instead leading them in the vanguard. In was during one of these battles that her horse was killed by an opposing infantryman (whom she promptly did away with) and the lower part of her right leg cleaved off with it. Though the loss was discouraging for a time, it never slowed her, though the prosthetic she wore was hardly a fitting replacement. So she walked with a relative limp, it meant nothing to her. The pain and strain on her body was trivial compared to the suffering she’d borne witness to in battle. It was that battle which saw the death of her younger brother, Nähir. She's been coldly distant about the incident since. When the invitation came for Nixus’ ball, she was proud to represent her family at the most prestigious event of the year. Dressed to impress, she arrived in an elaborate white, gold and silver gown, wearing a breathtaking feathered mask in the likeness of Nyala. Dresses were never much of a fashion in her family, but when she did wear them she was stunning, even despite her limp. She spent most of the night discussing military strategy and funding with some of the more influential guests, somewhat miffed that Nixus himself never made an appearance. About halfway through the evening, a servant girl came to her, claiming that Lord Nixus himself wanted an audience. Of course, she followed, hoping the could speak to him about funding for the military and the like. The increasingly disturbing air of the place did little to frighten her, though it did raise her guard. She was armed, just a dagger in one of the many folds of her skirts, but felt no need to draw. By the time the doors locked behind her, she wished she had drawn. Now she faces humiliation, stress, and a terrifying growing urge to let the beast take over. [b]Character Motivation:[/b] Linta seeks to destroy Nixus for making her a slave to him, as subserviency infuriates her. At the same time, she finds it difficult to disobey his orders, giving way to a lot of static loathing and anger. [b]Opinion Of Others:[/b] None so far. [b]Other:[/b] Linta has felt the intoxication of power that the transformation brings, and has begun to become addicted to it. Even in her natural form, parts of her monster form remain. These are namely feathers still sprouting from her hair and eyes that look a little more bird than human. What’s more, she’s developed a disturbing appreciation for her monster form, taking some twisted pride in her new ability to fly and take on the feathers of the birds she loves so much. (This will come out later in the RP, but not quite yet) [/hider]