[@James Davy] Ryan sent out his own Ralts and knelt down to talk to it. "Hello there. I am Ryan. It is a pleasure to meet you." Oberon looked at him with his deep blue eyes and nodded. "[i]It is nice to meet you as well. My name is Oberon. I do hope you will be more intelligent then my last trainer.[/i]" He responded with a nod. To say Ryan was surprised by Oberon's intelligence would be an understatement. "Well then Oberon. I'm going to need you to track a strong mental presence about a block away. Could you do that?" [i]"Of course I can. What kind of self respecting Ralts can't?"[/i] He responded with a small amount of condescension. "Yeah yeah, hop on my back. Fuma will keep you up if you have problems." Ryan ordered as Fuma helped Oberon up. They went towards the strong mind when he stopped. "Wait, what did you mean by that? Your last trainer?" [i]"Do you want to catch the presence or not?"[/i] "We'll come back to this later." Ryan crept up on where the presence was coming from and looked at a lone Espurr standing by itself. It was staring at a trashcan, to be more precise, a half eaten Oran Berry near it. Ryan took out a Colbur Berry he harvested earlier and put it on the ground. He backed away and whistled. The Espurr turned and eyed the Berry. Ryan sat down beside Fuma and Oberon and nodded at the Espurr. It appeared to be a female upon closer examination, but Ryan didn't care. He instead just took out another Colbur Berry and put it in front of him. This was a show of trust as the Espurr could easily kill Ryan and his Pokemon with her barely controlled Psychic abilities. The Espurr walked up and snatched the Berry without a thought. Ryan took out a Poke Ball and tapped her on the head after she finished her Berry. The ball didn't even shake once before it clicked.