Hi guys, I found this RP, courtesy of DJAtomika. This is just perfect for me, since I cannot commit to anything too big. The previous RP I was involved in was a nation RP, and it kept ballooning in size and scope (28 players on last count) that I cannot keep up anymore. This is quite the opposite of that, plus it happens to be a horror, and has a somewhat similar theme and tone to it, sans the religious bit. Anyway, I already have a character in mind. Lucky for you,[@Prisk], that you've put an arbitrary lower age limit there (way I see it, the occult would certainly want to victimise everyone from babies to old people with a foot and a half in the grave), as I'm endeavoring to create the most unorthodoxed character to date: A kid. So here's the first draft of my character and I hope that it wouldn't break the game :D, though part of I'm doing is to explore the limits of the game mechanics: [hider=David Henderson] [img]http://oneshetwoshe.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/07-13-2013-018.jpg[/img] Name: David Henderson Age: 13 Gender: Male Height: 5'2" Profile: David is probably the last person who should be found in Veroia. He is a fun-loving kid who made lots of friends and played baseball. He was in the Goldilocks zone of schooling, being neither too bad with his studies nor too good, but he has an inclination towards mathematics as well as reading and writing due to his writer father. His family lives in a near-complete American dream, being in the high-middle income, with a baby girl on the way. They don't condone violence in any way in the house, and as such David was never exposed to it except for the inevitable schoolyard incidences he both witnessed and tried to stop on several occasions (shucks, kids!), and as such is completely unprepared when he disappeared into the back of a van and blacked out. Attributes [img]http://bloodborne.wiki.fextralife.com/file/view/physical_DEF.jpg/544512322/physical_DEF.jpg[/img] [b]Avoidance:[/b]B (All those hide-and-seeks with friends turned out to be useful) [img]http://bloodborne.wiki.fextralife.com/file/view/discovery.jpg/544509330/discovery.jpg[/img] [b]Discovery:[/b]B (Being naturally curious and creative, David tends to get his hands on alot of things) [img]http://bloodborne.wiki.fextralife.com/file/view/insight.jpg/544510884/insight.jpg[/img] [b]Insight:[/b]C (Yeah well, what do you think the occult would do to children? At least it's not entirely a bad thing here) [img]http://bloodborne.wiki.fextralife.com/file/view/arcane.jpg/544507230/arcane.jpg[/img] [b]Appearance:[/b]A (The sight of children tends to turn away the thought of violence and malice... most of the time. Especially when they happen to be so innocent and charming.) [img]http://bloodborne.wiki.fextralife.com/file/view/bloodtingue.jpg/539443840/bloodtingue.jpg[/img] [b]Ferocity:[/b]E (The closest thing to fighting David had gotten was to shove and be shoved, and to hit balls with a baseball bat. He's almost surely doomed in a fight) [img]http://bloodborne.wiki.fextralife.com/file/view/frenzy_RES.jpg/544509830/frenzy_RES.jpg[/img] [b]Madness:[/b]C (Children are surprisingly malleable where their mind is concerned, and it offers them a degree of protection from psychological damage. His youthful inexperience limits this though.) [img]http://bloodborne.wiki.fextralife.com/file/view/skill.jpg/544513296/skill.jpg[/img] [b]Skill:[/b]D (Being a young kid, he'd never quite left the experimental stage in most things. He could eventually drive a car, but don't expect him not to crash it within a mile) [i]Life is good as a child...[/i] Talents Mathematics, reading, writing, baseball, running, cycling, hiding-and-seeking, playing, making friends, good looks, a good conscience and good manners. Mysterious Brand The head of a young goat forming an upside-down star surrounded by a bold circle with occult writing inside it. Items - A packet of chewing gums, fruit mint flavored. - Schoolbag. - Textbooks. - Exercise Books. - A pencil case full of pencils, pen, a ruler and other stationery. - Neil Gaiman's Coraline. - A 9mm bullet he found underneath a school locker. Cool! [/hider] I think I just screwed myself over though :D. I'm sorry I made you mad! :D